
再生可能エネルギーとは/What is renewable energy

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1. 太陽光発電


2. 風力発電


3. 水力発電


4. 地熱発電


5. バイオマス発電












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Renewable energy refers to energy sources that are continuously supplied by nature and cannot be depleted by human activities. These energy sources emit little or no carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that cause global warming and environmental pollution, so they are important from the perspective of sustainable energy supply and environmental protection. are viewed.

The main renewable energy sources are:

1. Solar power

It is a method of converting light from the sun directly into electrical energy. Solar cells and photovoltaic power plants are common installations. Since it is possible to generate electricity during the day, it is possible to supplement the electricity demand during the daytime.

2. Wind power

It is a method of using the force of the wind to turn a turbine and convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Wind turbines are often installed in windy or coastal areas.

3. Hydropower

It is a method of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy by turning a turbine using the flow and head of water. There are various forms, from large-scale dam-type hydroelectric power generation to small-scale turbine-type hydroelectric power generation.

4. Geothermal power generation

It is a method of generating electricity using the heat in the earth's interior. It uses hot underground water vapor to spin turbines and generate electricity. Power generation in volcanic areas and areas with active geothermal activity is promising.

5. Biomass power generation

This is a method of generating electricity by burning and decomposing organic substances (biomass) derived from plants and animals. Various resources such as woody biomass, livestock manure, and waste can be used. Biomass power generation contributes to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.

These renewable energies are expected to be clean energy sources to replace fossil fuels, and can contribute to measures against global warming and improvement of energy security. In addition, by selecting and combining these renewable energy sources appropriately according to the characteristics and natural conditions of each region, sustainable power supply becomes possible.

However, renewable energy presents some challenges. For example, the amount of power generated by solar and wind power fluctuates depending on the weather and time of day, making it difficult to provide a stable power supply. To address this issue, the development of energy storage technologies (e.g., storage batteries) and approaches to stabilize power supply by combining multiple renewable energy sources are being considered.

Another issue is the high initial investment cost of renewable energy facilities. However, as technological development progresses and mass production is realized, the cost is gradually falling, and it is expected to spread in the future.

Furthermore, the introduction of renewable energy requires appropriate location conditions and infrastructure development, and requires the understanding and cooperation of local residents. It is important to plan and share information in cooperation with the local community.

By overcoming these challenges and promoting the spread of renewable energy, we can take a big step toward the realization of a sustainable society. Governments, companies, and research institutes around the world are actively engaged in technological development, policy support, and efforts to promote the spread of renewable energy.

Hydrogen power generation is a power generation method that uses electricity generated from renewable energy sources to electrolyze water and uses the resulting hydrogen as fuel. As such, hydrogen power generation is not directly considered a renewable energy source per se, but it is closely related to renewable energy sources.

Combined with renewable energy, hydrogen power generation contributes to sustainable energy systems. For example, using hydrogen as an energy medium may solve the problem of unstable power generation from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

Energy can be stored and transported by generating hydrogen using electricity generated by renewable energy, and using that hydrogen to generate electricity in fuel cells and gas turbines. Through this process, renewable energy and hydrogen power can build a mutually complementary relationship.

However, the sustainability of hydrogen power generation is highly dependent on how it is produced. The use of fossil fuels for hydrogen production is less sustainable due to the increased environmental impact. Therefore, hydrogen generation using renewable energy is important for the realization of environmentally friendly hydrogen power generation.

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